Monday, January 11, 2010

West Bend Breadmaker Manual Similar To A West Bend Just For Dinner?

Similar to a West Bend Just for Dinner? - west bend breadmaker manual

Wanted to buy a West Bend Just for Dinner Bread Maker. You are giving a small pan. Good for one person. However, it seems to have been abandoned and can not be everywhere. So the question is Does anyone know how a machine similar to bread. Anyone who has a small saucepan over a short period of time?

1 comment:

PJ M said...

Dinner only is unique ... There is a mini Zurishi (sp?), but not cook faster, and the burden is not so small. And it is expensive.

I mean only for dinner on Craigslist. I spent several weeks looking to find every craigslist in the country (luckily it was) in my hometown. I would keep it the hunt. Worth. help in this research. Ebay is another option, but they have more than the retail or on eBay for ... I emailed the West Bend, while I was looking for ... asked if they would take another mini-version, and it was not.

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