Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Russian Cameron Was The Story "Avatar" Really Written By James Cameron?

Was the story "Avatar" really written by James Cameron? - russian cameron

I have heard people say that the story of "Avatar" was actually written by a Russian author. I just want to know if it's true or not. Thank you! =)


Hellboy said...

Avatar of history was designed by James Camroon way back in 80, but due to lack of sufficient resources Picturize because I wanted the film to be made to keep their plans. Now you can use this film with great 3D effects.

Mark said...

I think it was written by James Cameron and his men. "If something is successful, people always claim that is made by another person ...

If what you say is true, we already knew.

John smith said...

Yes, of course the avatar movie history was written by James Cameron,

pipo said...


Connor said...

Yes, it was written by James Cameron, who live in its vicinity
We know it!

Legolas said...

Why should my head and I went to the cinema and enjoy the movie

Legolas said...

Why should my head and I went to the cinema and enjoy the movie

King Richard the Lionheart said...

Who wrote "Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest" must have credit.

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