Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Large Mats What Is The Evolutionist's Explanation For The Source Of Large Oil Fields?

What is the evolutionist's explanation for the source of large oil fields? - large mats

Several of these deposits are enormous. One possible explanation is that the global flood created mats of vegetation and large, they were buried. Statement that works, but the main problem with this theory that it is compatible with the Bible.


No, I won't do your homework said...

Why would you ask a question, if you are not what the answer does not matter? His answer is that God Exxon pumped underground.

This became clear when selecting the best answer as it agrees with you.

Incidentally, I know there are creationists like to claim to understand the science, but must find the difference between geography and geology.

Doc E said...

Thanks to its compatibility with the Bible does not mean that it is a faulty theory. There are many things in science that are consistent with the Bible. Oil reserves is expected that the result of vegetation and marine organisms that were buried under water and mud. With almost 3 / 4 of the underwater world, which means you can have a very capable deposits without a flood.

Most geologists view crude oil and natural gas as a product of compression and heating of ancient organic materials over geological time.Oil consists of preserved remains of prehistoric zooplankton and algae (sea or lake dissolved) under the anoxic conditions in large quantities. Terrestrial plants, however, tend to form coal. Over geologic time this mixed organic matter with clay, buried under thick layers of sediments. A high degree of heat and pressure cause the organic matter to chemically change during diagenesis, first into a waxy material called kerogen, which is found in various oil shales around the world, and then more HEAtonnes of oil and gas in a process called catagenesis.

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