Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Funny Voicemail Recording Blogspot Whats A Voicemail Recording I Could Say On My Cell Phone?

Whats a voicemail recording i could say on my cell phone? - funny voicemail recording blogspot

greetingss me summarize funny ... and cool ... Give me some .. thankss


musicsea... said...

If someone calls you on your phone, you do not look like or cold, by post time, the voice of the waste. Think about what you do not hear when you are trying to reach someone.

Certainly not to waste 15 seconds music or a joke or a different time offense. You want something mature, respectful and above all quickly.

How can something like: "Hi, this Kay, I'm sorry I missed you, please leave a message."

I think something in this regard is the greeting of the best that ever could have on your mobile. Of course you have to make their own decision, I hope that maturity.

aahhh-le... said...

1. Hey is __ (name of UR) __, leave a message!

2 .. Hello ??...... ((like 3 seconds waiting ))... sike [[laughter]] hey .. their __ur name____ leave a message


Christopher G said...

"Hello, _____, please leave a message after the beep, and I will contact you as soon as possible. Please!"

This is SILLY omglol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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