Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pharmaceutical Calculations By Ansel Stocklosa Help Me With Pharmaceutical Calculations PleasE?

Help me with pharmaceutical calculations pleasE? - pharmaceutical calculations by ansel stocklosa

Insoluble a weight of 12 grams of powder. A specific gravity bottle, which weighs 21 grams empty and weighs 121 g when filled with water. If dust is in the bottle and the bottle filled with water, all three together weigh 130 grams. What is the specific weight of the wheel?

help me please? I would like to know.

1 comment:

noctec said...

121 g + bottle of water - 21 ounces = 100 grams bottle of water is trapped within, that the volume of 100 milliliters is considered

Now, with the dust, and the rest is filled with water, we can use the density of the powder.

130 gram - 21 gram bottle - 12 g powder = 97 g of water (with a total volume of 97 ml)

What remains is to fill the amount of dust? Only 3 ml


12 g / 3 ml = 4 g / ml specific gravity

Dots ... please?

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