Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Lord Of The Rings Online Strategy Question For People Who've Played Lord Of The Rings Online?

Question for people who've played Lord of the Rings Online? - lord of the rings online strategy

I played a few MMOs in my time. I currently play Guild Wars. I'm also a guy who has never been faithful EQ ... So please do not compare to EQ.

I am very interested in playing LOTRO for several reasons. Please give me your opinions, those of you who have played the game

The main things I dislike about GW is that it is repeated almost shattered the economy of the game, and certainly all children in the kind of strategy of the group and play.

Is it to change. I am grateful for all opinions to my question Germanic. Peanuts, please elseware your colon.

Oh, please let me know how true is the realm of this game that Tolkien created. My girlfriend is a fan of Lord of the Rings. I thought I was a fan until I met her. She knows the language as Elivsh Elite Star Trek nerds know Klingon. It is a sharp critic of the game, if ... especially if I lose my life like this ... if possible.

Thank you!

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